Well blog number 2 here. It has been a while since I posted the first one. You know what it is like - life is just too busy isn't it?! I do work full time in my "pay the bills" job, as well as run my home, I have had surgery, do the shopping, blah blah blah, you know the one, LIFE just goes by in the blink of an eye (I am a poet and I didn't know it). Joking aside, I have been super busy so I am finally sitting down to do some catching up on things.
Anyway, how is life for everyone? I do hope everyone is okay and looking after themselves. It has been the strangest 2 years hasn't it?! Let's hope things are really starting to settle and people are feeling a bit more positive.
So, what have been up to with my crafting. Well I have made lots more things, I just love it - I really do. I have starting etching glass which is great. You know that subtle etching you see on glasses or vases, well its that, so if you want a lovely message for a loved one on a nice vase or a message on a pint glass for him in doors then look no further because its here. Whether you want a bundle of champagne flutes for a hen or wedding then I am your woman for your personalisation.
I can even do shot glasses! There are so many things that I can do for customised personalised gifts. Gifts for her, gifts for him, gifts for all.
What else have been making, ermm so many things, I use epoxy resin, I heat press, mug press, oh and I now use sublimation too. You name it I am doing it, there is no end to my talents, and believe me, it really is just little ole me making everything by meself in my spare room (I would love a big open space and a warehouse but I'm working on that) dream big, trust the process. One day - one day you wait and see :) we all have to start somewhere right?!
I am delighted to say I am off to do my first craft fair in a couple of weeks, I had a stall and I canny wait to show off my products on my stall, eeeek exciting. I shall post in my next blog (okay that may be a while) how it went. I have my lovely daughter to help me because I am unable to lift heavy things at the mo. so I am busy preparing for that, making lots of stock, getting my leaflets, bags, packaging, stands, etc etc ready.